

Antitrust – Mergers – State aids Antitrust  Mergers  State aids

Competition law i.e. antitrust, mergers and State aids rules, presents risks but also opportunities for the management and development of economic activities. Understanding these risks and opportunities is a strategical asset for both small and large companies.

Artemont developed a specific expertise in this field to assist its clients in an innovative and pragmatic manner, both as advisors and litigators, at national and EU levels.

Our scope of intervention covers four key aspects:

  • Antitrust (agreements, concerted practices and abuse of dominant positions): we assist clients at early stages of their pre-litigation strategies (audit, compliance programs, trainings and seminars) and during on-going litigation (dawn raids, appeals against the investigations, strategical advice, assistance and representation).

  • Sector enquiries: we assist clients in drafting their contribution to sector specific enquiries of competition authorities, answering the questionnaires and requests for information and hearings.

  • Merger control: we assist companies (sellers, acquirers and interested third parties) in the multijurisdictional analysis of the transaction, audit of contractual practices, negotiations of contractual provisions (NDAs, reps & warranties, clean team agreements), analysis in substance of the transaction, draft the filing forms and filing the transaction to competition authorities, negotiating remedies, until obtention of clearance decisions.

  • State aids: we assist both dispensers and beneficiaries in the assessment of their financing scheme (investment, loans, guarantees etc.), answers to EC questionnaires and procedures opened by the EC, assistance and representation in national litigation.